Monday, October 13, 2008

西班牙之Palma De Mallorca!!!=>

Today is our official off day after completed our last boss cruise of the year. Hooray!!! However, suay-suay I kena duty today. That's means to say, I've to standby onboard to serve the officers meals and cannot go anyway. Lucky I can claim back the off day on tomorrow, ho ho...

Today our crew mess and officers mess are so empty and quiet. Everyone are either drunked from last night, still on their bed. Or some are going out after breakfast for shopping and sightseeing. Left only 2 or 3 small cats around to surf net. Me is one of them, while on duty cum surf net. I'm not snaking yah, during off day duty, we're allow to do that yah. But not on the weekdays working hours where everyone is working yah.

Well, let me start to share a little bit on Palma De Mallorca, Spain in Aug 2005. As usual, after our boss cruise, we've 2 to 3 days stay before we headed back to Nice, our home base Port. I remembered near the port area, there are a stretch of restaurants and pubs, very happening during night time.

Just go up the stairs by the other side of the road, there are a huge shopping mall with Carrefour, bowling alley & cineplex too. I remembered I've watch the Fantastic 4 in Spanish version, no choice la, they don't have version original. Me as a movie maniac, how can I resist not watching yah, ho ho...

As usual, Stephen and me like to jog in new places, at the same time, can explore the place and took some of the photos for remembrance. Below are some of the photos we took after our jogging.

Palma De Mallorca Cathedral Church

As usual yah, took few shots in one place, "Kiasu" mah, ho ho...

Someway of the town

Unique tree - 百年古樹

I really can't figure why we took this photo.
Nothing special, just for the sick of taking.
Ho ho...
Well, that's all of my Palma trip yah, ciao.

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